Billie Box Ltd offers a variety of container accessories. We suggest these accessories to ensure your shipping container is safe, secure, and lasts as long as possible.
Please note we ONLY supply products in the UK.
Squire WS75 Padlock - Insurance approved, 10 year guarantee, Anti-pick and Anti-bump.
They come with 3 numbered keys and we offer a key replacement/extra key service. Padlocks are for sale only.
Ensuring your goods are safe and secure
Absorpoles - These are used to reduce condensation inside a shipping container. Generally 4 poles are required for a 20ft and 6 for a 40ft. They will need replacing every 2-3 months. This is dependent on the number of times the doors are open and shut and the weather conditions.
Protects your goods from getting wet and damaged.
Perfect for delicate and sensitive cargo/goods.
Magnetic motion sensor light - 12in long - Battery operated
Make sure your Staff can see what they are doing.
Repaint interior and exterior. Many clients require a repaint on a second hand shipping container. We recommend a dark colour on the exterior and a light grey on the interior.
Container Paint colour chart
Aesthetically pleasing.
Lock box-Exterior view (padlock housing) for second hand and New shipping containers.
Ensuring your goods are safe and secure
Lock box-Interior view. The structure deters any attack with bolt croppers. There is an eye welded to the first door and the box is welded to the second door. So when in operation the box closes over the eye and then the padlock is positioned inside the box.
If there is anything else, you need, then please let us know. We are happy to help.
Get a Free quote today. Call us 0800 121 7388