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How We’re Supporting Cancer Support Suffolk – Charity Golf Day

Cancer Support Suffolk is holding a charity golf day at Seckford Golf Club on Friday, 19th July and we at Billie Box are supporting this event by sponsoring a golf hole. Billie Box has in the past supported Cancer Campaign in Suffolk, which is now named Cancer Support Suffolk. This is a local charity and we wish to give back to the community by supporting this event.  The golf day is one of many events held over the course of the year. Events like this attract welcome funds to support them. Cancer support in Suffolk At Cancer Support Suffolk…

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A Night of Giving Back: Join Us at the Home-Start in Suffolk Charity Moonlight Ball

Welcoming You to the Home-Start in Suffolk Charity Ball Home-Start in Suffolk are holding their 7th Moonlight Ball, to be held at Kesgrave Hall on Friday, 17th May 2024. The tickets are £85 each and this includes a 3-course dinner, a welcome drink, dancing and entertainment. This event is the biggest event of the year for Home-Start in Suffolk. They are aiming to beat last year’s total of £28k to help families in Suffolk. Billie Box is proud to sponsor this great event. Empowering Families in Suffolk: The Mission of Home-Start The charity volunteers visit families in Suffolk to…

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Building Trust Through Giving Back: Our Charity and Sponsorship Commitments

Introducing Our Commitment For the last 12 years we have committed to many different local charities and organisations. We want to give back to the community and we feel this is the best way to do it. Please view our ESG Policy here. Making a Difference Throughout 2024 we have committed to the following organisations: FFSC Sponsorship We continue to sponsor the Felixstowe Ferry Sailing club (FFSC) which offers a great way to get out on the water. With the North Sea and the River Deben on the doorstep, this enables a wide variety of watersports.  The sailing schedule…

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Jail & Bail 2024

Jane is going to be locked up in Woodbridge on 8th March 2024 in aid of Home-Start Suffolk Jane Billing of Billie Box alias the ‘Container Queen’ is going to be locked up because she is being too ‘Box-Tastic’ . Update 18-Mar-24: Many thanks for your kind support, I raised over £1.5K and as a group we raised over £12k Please can you bail Jane out by donating to her Justgiving page here ? All the funds go to Home-Start Suffolk to help those families that really are struggling with many life issues, that many of us don’t experience.…

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Charity 2020

Jane Billing, Billie Box, Director, fundraiser

Charity Support for 2020 Over the last 8 years, Billie Box has held 2 Billie Box Balls, 1 Midsummer party, 1 Afternoon tea, got locked up in a bank, cycled from London to Paris and made many donations to a fair number of charities. These charities include, St. Elizabeth Hospice, Age UK, Papworth Trust, Myeloma UK,  Centrepoint, Families in Need, Cancer Campaign in Suffolk, Clic Sargent, Lighthouse and many more. During this really difficult time, Billie Box has realised that many charities are suffering and the people that benefit from each charity by the very nature will also suffer.…

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We raised £2,630.46 for Myeloma UK

Billie Box raised £2,630.46 for Myeloma UK Billie Box is proud to report that they raised £2,630.46 for Myeloma UK at their Afternoon Tea in September. This makes the total raised and donated over £30,000 for many charities such as Cancer Campaign in Suffolk, St. Elizabeth Hospice, Papworth Trust, Clic Sargent, Age UK Suffolk, Families in need Food bank, Centrepoint (homeless charity), Tiffers Bus, Ipswich and now Myeloma UK. The Afternoon tea was held at the Longshed in Woodbridge on Saturday, 7th September 2019 and Billie Box had over 90 guests, all enjoying the tea provided by Woodbridge Emporium…

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Billie Box sponsors the Mid Summer Party in aid of AGE UK Suffolk

Billie has been fundraising for many charities over the last 6 years. The most recent event was the Mid Summer Party at Seckford Golf club on 23rd June 2018 in aid of AGE UK Suffolk. AGE UK were celebrating their 70th anniversary. Well what a night, it was so much fun. The party consisted of welcome drinks on arrival, 2 course dinner plus cheese and biscuits, Heads or Tails, Raffle, Auction and the highlight of the evening was a group called ‘Troubadour’. Troubadour were excellent, they sung a variety of songs from ‘The Jersey Boys’ show to ‘Earth wind…

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Mid Summer Party 2018

Billie Box are sponsoring the Mid Summer Party 2018 in aid of Age UK Suffolk. Over the last 5 years, Billie Box has raised funds for many charities. A lot of the fundraising was for cancer-related charities. Previously, Billie Box has held 2 Billie Box Balls, so this year (2018) instead of Cancer and a Ball we thought we would sponsor a ‘Mid Summer Party’ to raise funds for Age UK Suffolk. This charity is another worthwhile cause. The Mid summer party (23rd June 2018) was designed to be a fun night with lots happening, we have Troubadour (I…

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Tiffers The Bus Shelter Ipswich

Tiffers bus shelter, Tiffers, bus, sponsorship, fundraising, charity

Billie Box sponsors Tiffers the Bus Shelter in Ipswich. When Jane saw Tiffers The Bus Shelter on the BBC Lookeast news bulletin, she felt moved to help this worthwhile charity. They select 5 rough sleepers to live on board the bus with them, the bus is static in one place, at the moment they are in a lay by as they do not have any permanent land, but the bus provides a warm safe haven for the 5 guests to enable them to get back to a ‘normal’ life. Tiffers The Bus Shelter runs a charity shop in order…

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FFSC Lifeboat Day 2017

FFSC, RNLI, Harwich Lifeboat, lifeboat, fundraising, charity, sponsorship, Billie Box sponsor

Billie Box has sponsored a couple of different charities 2017. The first was FFSC Lifeboat weekend in September 2017. This event raised over £3000 for the Lifeboat – Fantastic work by all those concerned. Fundraising For Jane & Matt are members of the FFSC (Felixstowe Ferry Sailing club) and their sailing club is holding a whole weekend fundraising events for the Harwich RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution). RNLI is Such a worthy cause, they save lives at sea everyday of the year. RNLI is run by volunteers and rely on public donations to keep their organisation going. It cost…

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