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Can I Put a Shipping Container on My Driveway? Everything You Need to Know

shipping container delivery

So many customers ask us if they can put a shipping container on their driveway. Shipping containers for storage are becoming more popular, in particular with the private house owner, when they are extending their house, doing a new build on their land or re-build of their home.  Legal considerations The local authorities may well require the homeowner to apply for planning permission. Please see our planning permission blog post for more information. Our vehicles are not allowed to be on a national highway while offloading a container. You would need to seek permission from the local highways department…

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Do Shipping Containers Require Planning Permission in the UK?

We are asked many times whether a shipping container requires planning permission.  The answer is often no, but some councils have different rules when it comes to planning permission.  In short, we recommend you speak to your local planning department for advice.  What is planning permission? It is formal permission from a local authority for the erection or alteration of buildings or a similar development. For more information, the Government has a website to find out all about planning. When is planning permission required? There are many factors to consider when requesting planning consent; the following (not an exhaustive…

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Shipping Container Rental in the UK: Everything You Need to Know

It is important to choose the right container rental partner with the expertise and knowledge to guide you through the container rental process. Billie Box has been trading for over 12 years now and we offer 20ft and 40ft containers on a rental basis.  Renting a shipping container from Billie Box in the UK is one of the easiest things you can do. By renting a container you keep your costs down to a minimum and our whole package is like a Plug-in-and-go set-up. Billie Box knows what they are doing when it comes to renting out shipping containers.…

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Your Guide to Using Shipping Containers on Your Property

hiab, container sales, grass, drive over grass, drive over mud, container delivery,

Are you considering a shipping container for your property?  Here is a list of things to consider when deciding on your shipping container for storage or a facility – for example, a portable office. Planning permission: Containers are temporary structures and can be moved at any time with the correct equipment. However, some councils have their own definition of a shipping container; for example, it could be considered a building and therefore a permanent fixture requiring planning permission. Neighbours: Sometimes the neighbours feel a shipping container isn’t aesthetically pleasing and can be an eyesore.  Vehicular access via A and…

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Finding a Secure Site Storage Container: The Ultimate Guide

20ft shipping container

A secure storage container is an absolute given for any work site. Whether you’re looking to safeguard valuable equipment, sensitive documents, or essential materials, you need a container that will keep you resting easy at night knowing your valuables are safely tucked away. Now, while they might all look like a giant colourful metal box, storage units come in a plethora of options ranging from traditional lock-and-key mechanisms to state-of-the-art biometric technology. Fret not, though, as these are all the secure site storage containers you could need. What are the Different Types of Storage Containers? Steel Shipping ContainersSteel shipping…

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How to easily expand storage at a hospital, school or supermarket

portable office, portable space, office,

With the current social distancing measures in place in the UK due to COVID-19, many businesses have been deemed non-essential and have been asked to close by the government. Here at Billie Box, we are still very much open and functioning as an essential business; this is because container storage is a highly practical and accessible way to expand storage at other essential businesses and facilities, such as hospitals, supermarkets and schools. Why container storage is necessary during a crisis In times of crisis such as the situation we are currently experiencing, container hire can help to alleviate the…

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Is your tyre garage adhering to storage regulations?

Shipping Container on transport

In addition to the many regulations imposed on car repair workshops and garages, there is one more that is essential in securing the safety of your workers and the financial future of your business: tyre storage. Tyre storage and Health & Safety According to HSE, there are many different injuries which can occur in the rubber and tyre industries. Being hit by a moving or falling object accounts for 14% of injuries, while slips, trips and falls cause 13%.  There is also a historical risk of cancer associated with inhaling rubber dust and fumes. This was alleviated by reducing…

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Renting vs Buying Container Storage

Container hire

If you require extra storage space, you can easily solve this problem by renting or buying a shipping container. The processes of renting and buying container storage offer different benefits depending on your requirements. If you’re wondering whether you should rent or buy your container, read on to find out which option is best suited to you. Reasons for renting a shipping container Shipping container hire for both personal and commercial use is ideal for a temporary storage solution. You may wish to rent a container if you are: Hosting a short-term event such as a festival, sporting event,…

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How to keep your agricultural chemical storage in line with 2019 health and safety laws

In 2019, HSE and the UK Government are tightening legislation surrounding health and safety on farms. This is due to new figures showing that 33 deaths occurred on farms in the UK between 2017 and 2018, with some (if not all) being preventable by following proper health and safety measures. Furthermore, the research conducted by HSE shows that other types of workplaces vastly outperform farms when it comes to health and safety. Agricultural workplace deaths are a staggering 18 times higher than the national industry average. With this in mind, it’s important to check that all aspects of your…

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Funding for Storage Containers at Football Clubs

Great news for football clubs, as The Premier League and The FA Facilities Fund Small Grants Scheme lists storage containers as an eligible project for a grant. This means that educational establishments and grassroots football clubs can now support the growth of their facilities with funding towards a storage container. Storage containers provide endless advantages for growing football clubs. The first of which is a space to store equipment. Container Storage at Football Clubs Just like any other sporting facility, football clubs accumulate a large amount of equipment in order to provide education and entertainment for children and young…

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