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Can I Put a Shipping Container on My Driveway? Everything You Need to Know

shipping container delivery

So many customers ask us if they can put a shipping container on their driveway. Shipping containers for storage are becoming more popular, in particular with the private house owner, when they are extending their house, doing a new build on their land or re-build of their home.  Legal considerations The local authorities may well require the homeowner to apply for planning permission. Please see our planning permission blog post for more information. Our vehicles are not allowed to be on a national highway while offloading a container. You would need to seek permission from the local highways department…

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RAAC in schools & the shipping containers solution

shipping container classrooms

RAAC has been a big issue in the national news. Many municipal buildings in England were built with RAAC (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete), and it has become apparent that using this type of concrete may affect the safety and longevity of buildings. The problem – RAAC in schools Days before the school year started, many schools told parents that their children couldn’t begin the term as planned. There are serious concerns about the risk of collapse, so some schools in England have delayed the start of term. Shipping containers solutions Shipping container classrooms We have converted shipping containers into…

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Rent a shipping container with a simple phone call

Rent a shipping container with a simple phone call Did you know that it’s actually very easy to hire a container from Billie Box? If you’ve never hired one before, or you’ve had trouble in the past, you might be unsure about future container hire. We’re here to show you how renting a container from Billie Box can be accomplished with a few simple steps, starting with a phone call. Reasons to rent a shipping container Are you renovating your home? Require storage space for your business? Hosting an event such as a festival or market? Whatever the reason,…

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24/7 Storage

We offer 24/7 Site storage by way of a shipping container delivered to your site. We all know that theft is on the increase and that we need to lock up our belongings, but maybe some of us don’t know how to do this, securely.  We all secure our house to protect our possessions against unwanted visitors, but what about the products, stock or valuables stored outside of our four walls? Business crime is particularly rife, as often businesses are left unattended during the evenings and weekends, making the business more vulnerable. Billie Box has a solution…. We offer…

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