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Can I Put a Shipping Container on My Driveway? Everything You Need to Know

shipping container delivery

So many customers ask us if they can put a shipping container on their driveway. Shipping containers for storage are becoming more popular, in particular with the private house owner, when they are extending their house, doing a new build on their land or re-build of their home.  Legal considerations The local authorities may well require the homeowner to apply for planning permission. Please see our planning permission blog post for more information. Our vehicles are not allowed to be on a national highway while offloading a container. You would need to seek permission from the local highways department…

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Sponsorship for FFSC 2022/23

Billie Box are delighted to announce that they are sponsoring the following in 2022/23: Youth sailing at Felixstowe Ferry Billie Box are proud to sponsor Youth Sailing at Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club for another year. For more information about Youth Sailing, have a look at the FFSC website. FFSC Safety boat called Carl Giles We are equally proud to continue sponsoring the FFSC’s safety boat, named Carl Giles after the well-known cartoonist. To read more about the boat and its namesake, read our blog post all about the FFSC safety boat from when we started sponsoring it in 2018.…

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School Refurbishment

portable office, portable space, office,

Shipping containers for school and college refurbishment This week, the UK Government announced a ten-year plan for the refurbishment of schools and colleges across the nation. With over £1 billion in funding, it is the first major rebuilding programme to be launched since 2014, and will begin as soon as 2020-21. You may be familiar with the use of converted shipping containers for offices, but they can also be used to increase space in schools and colleges. Likewise, regular shipping containers can also be utilised by these institutions for storage. If you are an educational institution planning to refurbish,…

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Renting vs Buying Container Storage

Container hire

If you require extra storage space, you can easily solve this problem by renting or buying a shipping container. The processes of renting and buying container storage offer different benefits depending on your requirements. If you’re wondering whether you should rent or buy your container, read on to find out which option is best suited to you. Reasons for renting a shipping container Shipping container hire for both personal and commercial use is ideal for a temporary storage solution. You may wish to rent a container if you are: Hosting a short-term event such as a festival, sporting event,…

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Funding for Storage Containers at Football Clubs

Great news for football clubs, as The Premier League and The FA Facilities Fund Small Grants Scheme lists storage containers as an eligible project for a grant. This means that educational establishments and grassroots football clubs can now support the growth of their facilities with funding towards a storage container. Storage containers provide endless advantages for growing football clubs. The first of which is a space to store equipment. Container Storage at Football Clubs Just like any other sporting facility, football clubs accumulate a large amount of equipment in order to provide education and entertainment for children and young…

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Storage Containers for Schools, Colleges & Universities

Shipping Container on transport

In our conversations with customers who work in schools, colleges and universities it’s quite common to hear the same problems. Throughout academia, organisations are finding themselves increasingly short of storage space. Storage is needed for sports equipment, exam furniture, archive paperwork, text books, etc. In the past, when schools and universities enjoyed larger development budgets the answer may have been to construct additional buildings on site. Ignoring the money side of this solution for a moment, building new storage buildings can be slow. Very slow. We have many customers who solve their storage problems by buying shipping containers. Shipping…

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Rural Crime stats 2016

rural crime stats from NFU

Rural crime stats are a huge problem to farmers and those that live in the countryside. Rural sites are so exposed and unmanned in many cases, hence why crime is on the rise. The perpetrators can access sites easily and abscond with many high value items without anyone noticing. We at Billie Box take these rural crime stats very seriously indeed. We supply steel secure shipping containers for storage with delivery to your door. Farms and countryside residences often have sufficient room to add another shed to their site. Visit our site for Sale or Hire of shipping containers.…

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Sports Clubs & Leisure Centre secure storage

Shipping Container on transport

Many sports clubs and leisure facilities in the UK use a shipping container to hold their ever expanding array of equipment. If space and protection are factors you value when considering how to securely store your businesses assets then you are not alone… Team GB’s unprecedented success at the 2012 and 2016 Olympic games inspired our nation, prompting a vast increase in membership to sports clubs and leisure facilities across the country. These institutions have greeted the UK’s re-ignited love of sports with a surge in purchasing of new equipment – much of this it extremely expensive. The continued…

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